rae xiang

Return to Sea

GAMBA Agency


Design, Animation


Blender, Procreate


June 2023

Gamba means shrimp in Spanish – and it's a affectionately teasing slang name for the sunburned tourists as well. 🦐

So when GAMBA Agency reached out asking for crustacean-loving collaborators, I couldn't say no.

I saw this project as an opportunity to develop a gritter, textured style. Modeling, rigging and texturing done in Blender. For the still images, details were drawn on in Procreate and post processed in Photoshop.

I used to think as long as I was making art, all was well inside. But as last year went on, I had this unsettling feeling I didn't know who I was anymore (outside of the blue hair and "cute art").

Even worse, I could feel money dominate how I valued creativity.

It's been a clarifying half-year of learning to sit with the dark, of feeling not knowing. Seeing my family close-up in it's complexity, asking what friendship is in grief and helplessness. Asking what it is I value. Melting shame into compassion. not! forcing!

I learned darkness isn't so bad.

At first it was terrifying to not "see" anymore – walks that used to inspire me left me feeling flat. The songs i used to dance to now… sounded grating.

I'm learning it's all part of individuating

I'll never be done knowing myself and it's more fun that way :)


Sometimes I mistake spirituality and visual art as solitary pursuits, that "protecting my time" would bring my spark back. When really it was unplanned time out in the worldcreating the collage for D's bday card, sitting at sangha with M, dancing fear into joy with K, screaming into the ocean with E and S.

love you all <3

Creativity comes from the world and people around us, and as part of that flow I see I must give forward to complete the cycle.

ebb and flow